JCI Reykjavik International – Formation Meeting

This is only for information purpose. Please register with Tanja (tanja@jci.is or 775 0531), and specify if you are vegetarian or have any special request.

We would like to invite you to the formation meeting of JCI Reykjavik International.

The formation of this chapter is exceptional as this has not happened in JCI Iceland for many years. Finally an English speaking chapter has been successfully formed after several previous attempts. This is great sign of growth for JCI Iceland.

JCI Reykjavik International:

– We believe it is Important to offer a platform for immigrants to integrate and also contribute to the Icelandic society.
– We will open doors for Icelanders for a cultural exchange with foreigners.
– The work started October 2012 and now we have 20 members.
– Our Active projects – Icelandic Language nights, a Job program and the Creative Young Entrepreneur Award.

Our partners:
– Viðskiptaráð Íslands (Iceland Chamber of Commerce)
– Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands (Innovation Centre Iceland)
– Klak Innovit
– Alþjóðasetur

Date: 4th May 2013
Venue: Félagsheimili KR Frostaskjóli
Price: 3.500 kr
Dress code: Formal

17:30 – Registration
18:00 – Formation Program starts
19:00 – Dinner starts

Starter: Lobster soup with bread
Main Course: Leg of Lamb / Chicken

There will be a bar. CASH only.

Please register with Tanja at tanja@jci.is or 775 0531

Please make payment to JCI Reykjavik International
Bank account: 513-26-7843
Kt: 410313-1890

Before May 1st, 2013.

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact:
Elizes: 892 7885 elizes@jci.is


Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/492484737489405/

Dags. og tími:
04. May 2013
17:30 - 23:30

KR Heimilið - Frostaskjóli

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