JCI Presenter – Námskeið

Námskeiðið JCI Presenter verður haldið laugardaginn 5. desember kl 9:00 – 18:00 í Frostaskjóli í KR heimilinu.

Takmarkaður sætafjöldi (15 sæti)

Verð: 2.000 kr (innifalinn er hádegismatur og snarl á meðan námskeiðinu stendur)

Þetta er heilsdagsnámskeið þar sem þú lærir að halda betri kynningar og koma fram af fagmennsku. Mælst er til að fólk hafi lokið Ræðu 1 áður þetta námskeið er tekið.

Leiðbeinandi er Viktor Ómarsson, JCI Reykjavík.

Upplýsingar um námskeiðið á ensku:

JCI Presenter, the JCI Effective Presentation Course is a full day course that focuses on the concepts of creating and delivering an effective presentation utilizing visual aids and strong delivery methods with a mind towards understanding the audience. Participants practice presentations during the entire course. JCI Presenter should be taken by all members who want to expand their presentation skills in order to make better project reports and intervene during chapter meetings.

Nánari útlistun:

Module 1: Opening: Welcome and Introduction Session. Participants are welcomed to the course and will speak for the first time during this session to introduce themselves.
Module 2: Presentation Types: Participants will now tell the audience about their most memorable experience. Participants will learn the many types of presentations they may have to make in the future and the characteristics of each one with emphasis on Project Reports.
Module 3: Audience Analysis: Very short module about the need to know who they will speak to, what they know, what they should be told and what pre conceptions of prejudices the audience has.
Module 4: Presentation Content: This Module will teach how to prepare the presentation content in an orderly format that will keep the audience’s attention to your message. Participants will receive the task to work on a presentation for the afternoon.
Module 5: Effective Delivery: This Module will show the different techniques for an effective presentation delivery.
Module 6: Presentations: Each participant will deliver the prepared presentation to the audience. Head trainer will make remarks on improvements and evaluations will be done based on the course content and how the participant applied it to the presentation.


Bookings are closed for this event (For members only (then you need to log in or register) - or the event has already started and therefore it is closed for bookings)

Dags. og tími:
05. Dec 2015
09:00 - 18:00

KR Heimilið - Frostaskjóli

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